Image by eddiecoyote via Flickr
First things first, Happy Memorial Day! Take some time before your pool parties and BBQs to remember why we get this day off. Today is not just about kicking off the beginning of summer. It's a time to remember and honor those men and women of the armed forces who fight and die for our freedoms everyday.
Now because Memorial Day does hold the reputation of being the start of the summer season I began to think about summer reading. We've already started hearing about beach reads and the like, most of which are fun, light, romantic reads. Often those books considered 'chick-lit' will be high up on the list of great beach reads.
Now, I'm unfortunately stuck in a land-locked state and the only beach nearby is a big, stinky, salty, lake that I'd rather not sit and read by, so I don't really do the beach reads. However, I noticed that my reading does tend to lean towards the light and fun during the summer time. So, I'm wondering why are some books better suited for certain weather. I have many classics on my TBR shelves but as the weather warms I find myself is less of the mood to pick those books up. Yet, in the winter those classics are the ones I gravitate towards.
Am I the only one who does this? Maybe I'm just a freak. I am a summer girl through and through so maybe because my mood is lighter the warmer the weather, I'm just more drawn to the books who match my mood. Who knows?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter and your light, summer reading suggestions as well.
Have a happy and safe Memorial Day!