I think that a lot of it comes down to hype. The last several books I've tackled were books that are very well known. Books that are synonymous with classic literature. So, when I've been wandering the aisle of the book store, those titles stand out as safe. They've been read and recommended thousands of times, so I feel I'm almost guaranteed to enjoy them.
The summary states that it's about a family in Nova Scotia in the early 1900's and the secrets and lies within the family. So the setting is still a bit older but the writing is contemporary, plus, it sounded juicy, which is always a draw for me. What can I say? I'm a girl, we love drama, even when we claim we don't.
So, I immediately dove into the book last night and ended up consuming 70+ pages in no time. When the main character is a grown man who runs off with, and marries, a 13 year old girl in the first chapter, you find yourself compelled to see where this is all going to go, especially since you know it won't be pretty.
One of the main things I noticed while reading, is the difference between the recent book and the 150 year old classics. The writing is so different, like night and day. The older books tend to be a bit more wordy, and sometimes harder to read since I'm not accustomed to the language of the time. I'm able to read a lot faster because I'm not re-reading sections, trying to figure out what is meant by a word or phrase. Also, the more recent books often seem to get to the point quicker. The writing isn't as flowery or as overly descriptive. Although there is something to be said about the beauty and the rhythm of some of the older books.
I think, despite my natural inclination towards the more classic books, it was a good idea to take a break from them and head back into the last 50 years. I was beginning to get burnt out on the 18th and 19th century. I think I'll stick around here for awhile and check off a few more books in the top half of my list.