So, I decided I wanted to pick my books at random. I had some fanciful notion of leaving it to fate and allowing the universe to guide me to the books I should read next. I spent two hours tearing up paper into tiny pieces and numbered them from 1-1001, leaving out the numbers I've read. I through them all in a bag, shook it and pulled out a couple of numbers. I wanted to have a list of four or five to take to the bookstore so I'd have a backup if the first book was unavailable. Yeah so that plan totally blew up in my face! I had a list of five books and was unable to find any of them. It appears if I want to leave this up to fate I need to order my books online instead of hoping the local Barnes and Noble has them in stock. Epic Fail! My poor four year old daughter was dragged along my journey through the bookstore, whining and complaining the whole time until she was pacified with a book of her own. I ended up staring at the classics section while my daughter danced around until I found a few I remembered being on the list. I ended up with the following.


Now I just have to pick which one to read next. I only have about 100 pages left in Atonement and will finish either tonight or tomorrow. I'm really in a hurry to knock a few of these books out quickly. I'm finding myself a little self conscious of my super small number of only 5 books read. It makes me feel pathetic. On the up side it's driving me to turn the TV and computer off and pick up the book which was my true goal.
what a great way to pick books to read off the list. I'm always wondering how to do it. Shame you couldn't get any of the first five.
Wow... if you've never read Alice, choose that next. It's great.
And have you heard of the spreadsheet you can use to chart your progress with the 1001 books? If not, head over to Arukiyomi
Oh wow. Thank you for that, it'll be super helpful. I've downloaded the lite version for now but will be upgrading to the full version soon. Thanks again!
no problems... glad the Lite one suited you for now.
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