My name is Rachel. When I was younger I was an avid reader. My school would often have a contest to see who could log the most reading minutes or who could read the most books. I was always among the top students in those contests, I even have a nifty plastic statue to prove it. Now that I'm grown and have children, a husband, a house to clean and am trying to finish my Bachelors degree I find that I rarely read anymore unless it's expressly required for one of my classes. Of course as a culinary student it's rarely required of me to read anything outside of a textbook or cookbook.
I recently started taking an english class for one of my general ed credits and it reawakened my love of reading. I remembered a goal I made back in high school. I wanted to read all the classics, the books that everyone is 'supposed' to read. I decided to finally attempt that goal but needed a more concrete goal to finish. I work best when I have a list that I could check off as I go. It enables me to mark my progress and gives me a finish line to work towards. I cam across the book 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die and decided that, while it is a lofty and possibly unattainable goal, it would probably be fun to give it a go. I managed to download a spreadsheet even that lists the books and allows me to check them off as I go.
I am ashamed to admit that I was only to able to check off 7 books as having already read, most of which I read way back in high school. So I only have 994 books left to read. Wow! That's not daunting at all is it? I am a quick reader but this is still feeling like a decade long least. Good thing I'm only 27, God willing, I should have enough time to finish it.