Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Holy Crap! I got an award!

Check that out! Kendall from Reading, Reading, and Life awarded me with the Versatile Blogger award. This totally made my day! I went running through the house, laptop in hand, to show my husband. I was that excited. Thank you so much!

The Rules for the award are:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (in no particular order…)
4. Contact the picked and let them know about the award.
So, 7 things about myself. 
1.  I was born in Southern California, but have lived in Utah since I was 10. 
2.  I have 3 kids and a cat. 
3.  I am currently a culinary student, getting a Bachelors in Culinary Management. 
4.  I hated helping my mom garden, but now that I have my own yard, I am falling in love with it. 
5.  My favorite food is pasta, I just adore noodles. 
6.  I hope to open my own small cafe/coffee shop after I get out of school. A place you can sit and read, and get a coffee and a fresh pastries. It's my way of combining my 2 loves. 
7.  My dad is my hero and quite possibly the best person ever put on this planet. 

Now I have to pass this along to some people who I think are pretty cool.

Patrick Tillett
Whitney at She Is Too Fond of Books
Kate's Library
Roseann's 1001 Must Read Books Challenge
Not So Humble Pie

Thanks so much!


Valerie Troutman said...

Congrats Rachel!

Kate said...

Hey Rachel! Congratulations to you!!

Thank you so much for the award - it's currently making my morning as I have some coffee before work! :)

Pat Tillett said...

Congratulations Rachel!!!

Also, thanks so much for passing it on to me. It's going to take me awhile to pass it on myself, but I for sure am going to check out all the other links in the post...

Valerie Troutman said...

Thanks Rachel.

Jillian said...

Hi, this is Jillian from Random Ramblings. I am trying to contact all the blog's followers.. if you could please read my latest post about the blog's technical problems, I'd greatly appreciate it. You can read the post right here. Thank you so very much!

jovan said...

congrats for the award!

by the way,
if you need to find Linux Font, you can go to our website.

best regards;

Whitney said...

Awesome! Thank you so much.

E.J. Stevens said...

Stopping by on the Hop. My Hop is here.

I hope you are having a lovely weekend. :)

From the Shadows

Mystee said...

Stopping by on the blog hop. My hop is here: http://amomentwithmystee.blogspot.com/2010/06/blog-hop.html

Hope you're having a great blog hop weekend.


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